“Thrival Guide: 2012” four ideas to help you stay on course Many businesses experienced a 30% drop in revenue in 2008. How do you survive that? What do you do when your gross income drops from $500,000 to $300,000 in just twelve months? If your revenue has dropped and your expenses remain roughly […]
DEAL WITH THE ELEPHANT or IGNORE IT? (part 4) IGNORE THE ELEPHANT — LOSE CREDIBILITY There’s this thing called “credibility,” and it means simply, “believable.” The word comes from the Latin, “credo,” which means, “I believe.” And I fear that all too few instructors realize that the value of their program is directly proportional […]
“Number three front kick and reverse punch. Just watch Madison our JTI leader. See….step together….kick……land….reach…..punch. You always kick with the front leg. OK, let’s all do it now, by the count.” And so you begin leading twelve basic students, mostly white belts ages 7-12, down the floor. It’s going OK, but several are challenged with […]
When someone says, “Gee, there’s an elephant in the room.” He is referring to a common situation in which something has been said or done and yet no one who obviously has heard or witnessed the event says anything about it. Everyone in the room simply ignores what is so obvious or they all […]
“Men are respectable only as they respect.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson All of our life skills, like discipline, honor, integrity, courtesy and respect, form the bedrock of traditional martial arts. These values set us apart from any other sport or activity and define what it means to be a martial artist. We teach these life […]
“Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency”. Natalie Goldberg–Wild Mind As martial artists, we do everything we can to prepare for outside threats such as bullies, criminals and other people who would do us harm. But here’s the irony: We have an equal chance of being harmed by a “hidden” […]
“The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business–or almost anywhere else for that matter.” — Lee Iacocca This month I want to pass along two powerful strategies to help you reach your goals. The first is called the S.M.A.R.T. approach to goal-setting. S.M.A.R.T. stands […]
“Embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing” – Kahlil Gilbran As this year comes to a close (can you believe we’re almost in 2010?), I feel it’s important to look back and reflect on what we all accomplished this year. You see, part of growing as a martial artist is patting yourself […]