This Magic Moment: Part 5 CM Stauffer

Written by on June 4, 2023

CM Stauffer

One act of simple kindness.

It was 1983 and a very “green” and scared 2nd degree found himself in Little Rock for his first “Grand Nationals.”  Somehow, I found my way to the Princess Hotel where many instructors were staying, and as I was having breakfast on tournament day, I met CM Stauffer.

He actually approached me and made me feel comfortable.  I had no idea who he was.  And then he offered me a ride to the tournament.   I don’t recall making any plans for ground transportation.  I don’t know what I was planning to do, hitchhike probably.  But CM Stauffer stepped in and just did a kind thing.   He gave me rides during my entire stay.

He could have just ignored me.  He could have said, “That guy is obviously a rookie who knows nothing about Grand Nationals.  He probably doesn’t even know where the tournament is.   I’m not  talking to him.”   But he did not do that.

He reached out to me.    Kindness: it always matters.  Can one simple act of kindness create a memory for a lifetime?   You bet it can!  Kindness: one of the most important qualities of an 9th degree.  Thank you, CM Stauffer!


Bill Babin

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