If you are not sure that America is a great place, then ask yourself these simple questions and you will realize why I still think so.
- Did you go to sleep last night in a nice bed in a comfortable house, probably with air conditioning and heat?
- Did you drive your car to work and to the movies with your family?
- Do you own a boat, a PWC, or even a second home or vacation condo?
- Do you have a job that supports your lifestyle?
- Do you have the freedom to leave that job and look for better employment or get more education or training to improve your life?
- Did you eat a full meal yesterday, alone or with your family?
- Did you choose to go to a church last Sunday or to stay home and watch TV?
- Did you choose one place of worship from a long list of choices?
- Did you know that the median household income in USA of $71,000 places a family in the top 4% of richest people in the world.
- Did you enjoy a bath or shower and other benefits of indoor plumbing. Did you know that around 60 percent of the world’s population — 4.5 billion people — either have no toilet at home or one that doesn’t safely manage human waste?
- Did you experience a car accident or sudden illness and receive emergency fire / medical services?
- Do you have internet access, food in your fridge / cupboard, clothes for summer and winter, go to restaurants?
- Have you vacationed in a beautiful state or national park?
- Have you used the interstate highway system to get around USA?
I think the KEY word here is
You probably did not choose to live in USA. You just got lucky that you landed here. You might consider finding someone who was not born here and ask that person, “Why do you want to be in the USA?” Their answer will show you why the USA is still a great place!
Enjoy this great tune by BIG ZEPHYR!