This Magic Moment: Part 2 CM Brice

Written by on May 29, 2023

CM Brice


  • started Taekwondo in 1979 at Indiana University
  • bought an ATA school in 1982 (about the same time I opened my first ATA academy)
  • a school owner for over 40 years!
  • student of EGM until 2000 and then student of GM Allemier.
  • World Titles
  • 2011 forms, weapons, sparring X-weapons and X-forms
  • 2012 sparring, x-weapons, x-forms
  • 2022 forms, weapons

Those are the facts, but who she is as a person is much more important.  You might say that my relationship with CM Brice is just normal.  We met many years ago, and then over 40 years, saw each other 3 or 4 times a year at every tournament, at every camp, at every seminar.   We got to know each other as friends, as peers.     (NOTE:  You can do this too!)

School ownership can be a very lonely endeavor.  Very few understand the struggles of a chief instructor / owner:  landlord issues, plumbing issues, parent issues, student issues, marketing issues, tax issues….. the list goes on and on.  But I soon found a wonderful companion with a really sympathetic ear.

She has been a great friend and support to me for over 40 years.  How many of you have a friend of 40 years?  And in that sense, our wonderful relationship is not normal.  I ask you to make a friend at WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS this year, and then make a commitment to be a friend for 40 years.   Commit to help each other continue training as a lifetime activity.

CM Brice and I shared other experiences as well:  being married for a very long time, having children, and a deep love of dogs.  I remember when her daughter was born, and in this pic, you can see her now all grown up, a college graduate, and a world champion as well.

We often see greatness pass from one generation to another.  Sometimes this seems hard to understand, but if you know this aphorism, then you will clearly understand.

If you want to fly with the eagles, you can’t hang around the barnyard with the chickens.


When a child is raised with discipline and respect and sees the parents themselves experience success and greatness, THAT child is not pecking around the barnyard with the chickens.   Congratulations, CM Brice, on your accomplishments as a school owner, as a Taekwondo technician, as a mother, and as a friend.  Thanks for being in my life.  Enjoy your magic moment!


Bill Babin

is available to speak / teach / play music / consult at your

ministry / martial arts academy / convention / event



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