This Magic Moment: Part 4 CM Tomas Sandoval

Written by on June 3, 2023

CM Sandoval

 CM SANDOVAL:  the facts

  • born 1960
  • started TKD 1976
  • opened first academy 1984
  • 2013 World Champion
  • ATA hall of fame 2013
  • three amazing children and six grandchildren
  • Lions fan, traveling, camping, golf

Ever-present at all tournaments and seminars, Tomas Sandoval was a regular companion on my journey from 2nd Degree to 8th Degree.  Although we rarely competed (somehow I was always in the “older group”), and  I never visited his academy, I know he is a dedicated and caring instructor, always asking his students to pursue the best.   How could his students do otherwise, when he himself has set such a shining example.   And being a consistent example is what it means to be a MASTER.

Consistency is not something that makes headlines.   And yet in Taekwondo, as in life itself, it is what you do CONSISTENTLY that makes the difference for you.  CONSISTENCY does not make headlines,  but if you open the dictionary and look up that word, you will see a picture of Chief Master Sandoval to help you know what it really looks like.  And that is why CM Sandoval qualifies to be a 9th degree!

For more detail on THIS MAGIC MOMENT 2023,  READ HERE


Bill Babin

is available to speak / teach / play music / consult at your

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