September 24, 2024 We return from three weeks in France and are totally exhausted and feeling sick, both of us.   Two weeks goes by.  I start feeling better, but Jocelyn does not.  Strangely, her abdomen seems to be swelling.  It is especially strange because over the last year she has lost lots of weight.  Her […]


I got my gold medal when…. Part 2 I just want everyone to know:   I have pursued a gold medal in Songahm Taekwondo many times, and never actually earned it.  Best I did was a bronze in 2010 and a silver in 2022.  The gold medals I won in 2009 XMA competition don’t count.  There […]


Looking back over many years   NOTE:  All photos were taken on June 21, 2024 at the Southwest District Championships in Glendale, Arizona. Hello ATA Family!  It’s been more than 40 years since my wife and business partner helped me start the first ATA classes here in Phoenix, Arizona.   Over those years, I have […]


The divinity of man       In KEEP A TRUE LENT, Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, writes: Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.  Its inner meaning and spiritual significance is the awakening and raising to spiritual consciousness of the I AM in man, which has been dead in trespass and sins […]


WATCH THIS VIDEO The people you hang around with The people you “hang around with” really make a difference in your life and as I got more involved in Unity, I came across this concept of  “we become what we think about”    and its Lenten corollary, “giving up error thinking.” This idea became very interesting.   […]


  Get Study Guide Here ====================================================== Who are you? You are a divine being of incredible potential having a human experience, not a human being having a divine experience.  It is that simple and there is no counter argument, although your mind and your foolish social experiences will try to convince you otherwise. How do […]


Get Study Guide Here ======================================================= I feast on faith Simple beauty I walk by this retention basin every day.  It’s the same big hole, the same dead grass, the same few scraggly trees.   Why should I pay attention to it?   And yet, on this day, and in this ONE perfect moment, and right in the […]


Get Study Guide     ======================================================= Lesson #11: Love I want to talk with you about love…The Beatles said….all you need is love…Leo Buscaglia taught the first university class on love……  Dr. Gerald Jampolsky said “Love is letting go of fear.”……  You can find the most famous definition of love in Corinthians 13:4-8 :  Love […]


Get Study Guide Here ==================================================================== I fast from complaining. I feast on appreciation. What would happen if you gave up complaining?    Before you can answer this question, you first need to become aware of this pattern of thinking.  Here’s a few examples: Neighbor:  “Why does he always park his truck there?” Other drivers:  “I […]


Get Study Guide Here ===================================================================== I fast from gloom. I feast on enthusiasm. Do you ever feel down?   Does gloom sometimes rest in your heart?   Hover over your head?  At times like this, remember these words by Martha Smock: “You are meant to be alive and enthusiastic.  You are meant to press forward eagerly.  You […]


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